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great content alone, won't help you make sales!


here's the tea no one wants to share. great content alone isn't going to drive sales to your business. it will compliment it, it will help it...but it won't be the thing that makes you a 6 figure business owner (if that's your goal).

you need a STRATEGY!

and, the easiest way to create a simple but effective strategy is understanding the customer journey and the key things you will incorporate in order to make your target audience take the next step in your biz.

so, wtf is the customer journey?

the customer journey are the steps your target audience takes when they come in contact with your brand/business.

there are 5 steps to the customer journey:

1 - brand awareness

2 - consideration

3 - convert

4 - loyalty

5 - advocacy

want to know how to use these to build your strategy? watch my FREE webinar, i spill all the deets!

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