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this is why you're not making consistent sales on social media


if you're posting all the time and you're not seeing any sales come in from social media, let's talk.

there's nothing more frustrating than following all the tips, tricks, hacks and shenanigans we see on socials only to wind up with crickets when it comes to our offerings day in and day out.

but, a small, minor tweak in how you're presenting your product/offerings on socials can be the difference between 0 sales to however many sales you truly f*cking want.

firstly, let's talk about where you're going wrong

..and don't beat yourself up about this. there's so much information on the interwebs, you never know what to believe. but as someone who studied consumer psychology, and understands the way people think when they want to purchase, let me break it down for you.

if you're focusing on only telling people why your product/service is so amazing, what features it has, what it can do, you're missing the mark.

people buy FEELINGS + TRANSFORMATIONS, not things.

what do I mean by this?

more times than not, your motivation to purchase an item comes from the desired outcome you know it'll give you. for example, if buying food didn't cure our hunger and appetite, we likely wouldn't be motivated to spend our money on lettuce, right?!

people are motivated to purchase based on the end result, the finale, the feeling they get afterwards.

so, when marketing your product/service, figure out what problem/pain point you solve for your target audience AND the feeling they'll have once you've solved the issue for them. then double down on your messaging around the feeling, value and transformation.

let's take a look at this with some examples:

✨fitness coaches, you don’t just sell workout plans, you give people the tools necessary to be healthier versions of themselves so they can show up better in their lives

✨social media managers, you don’t just manage client’s accounts. You take the heavy lifting of marketing their business through socials off their plate so they have more free time to work on things they actually care about

✨estheticians, you don’t just do facials, you help people feel more confident and beautiful in their skin by helping treat their skin concerns

do you see the difference? in order to inspire someone to purchase from you, they have to know what they'll get out of it. while listing all the things that is included is important, what's really going to motivate someone to click purchase is when they know how they'll feel in the end.

so the next time you're planning your promotional content think to yourself...HOW CAN I INSPIRE MY TARGET AUDIENCE TO WANT TO PURCHASE MY PRODUCT/SERVICE BASED ON THE TRANSFORMATION I CAN GIVE THEM?

ps, if you're looking to dive deeper into building your own content marketing plan + strategy, I have a social media survival kit for small business girlie that will help you do the thang. go from feeling overwhelmed, confused af and OVER social media marketing to empowered with streamlined and simplified methods to get the marketing out of the way so you can focus on the things in your biz you actually care about. click here to learn more...

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